How to Overcome Analysis Paralysis
As a coach and student the mind fascinates me as to how it can help and at the same time hinder learning! So many students that I work with suffer from Paralysis By Analysis. By that I mean they overthink everything hoping to improve. When you’re thinking too much about a move, the Central Nervous System (CNS) and the Muscles get bogged down and don't work smoothly. You can’t think your way through a paddle stroke, ski turn, or kettlebell lift!
Here are my tips to overcome this problem.
- Breathe though all execution phases of the moves and keep the mind clear other than where you’re trying to go.
- Try to feel every part of your body with flow and rhythm of the move you’re trying to execute.
- Start slowly and focus on feeling smooth.
- Embrace new feelings and remember the old habits feel normal!
- Focus on what feels new to make the changes if needed.
- Give yourself a break and be kind and easy on yourself to seek the new improvements you’re looking for.
- As soon as your mind starts creeping back with overthinking, breathe it away. This may all seem like a different approach, but this is what the top professionals of the world do! It’s called being in the ZONE!

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