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coach jonathan training

What If It's Not Your Technique?

An observation from this seasons coaching is that it’s not always your technique that is holding you back! Now let’s be clear, concise movement execution is paramount. Our new simplistic approach and cues makes that easy to attain. Usually the results my students achieve from 1-2 hour long private coaching session amazes me! But I’m convinced that for the higher level of paddling many of us strive for, the answer is equally strength and cardio-conditioning related. I wrote earlier this year about Zone Training. It’s the key to unlocking your efficiency, fun, and competency on your performance board!

I have had many goals for myself and between work, personal time, and everything else I have checked off a few. My goal of being able to paddle at 6 mph comfortably in any condition has not been achieved yet. When I took a deep a dive into why, it’s mostly because of a lack of base conditioning. With that said, I can sprint to 6.7mph for a short periods of time, but at an admittedly higher rate of exertion than I should be using.

The reason I a bring this up to y’all is too many people are stressing over technique when it’s good enough! Take a good look at your fitness program and see if it’s relevant and getting you where you need to be. We are happy to help coach and advise in getting you there.

coach jonathan coaching at the cup

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