Quick Tip: 7 Core Cues
A long time ago, I knew that the sit-up tests my gym teachers put me through felt awful. I could feel how wrong they were and they didn’t seem to make much sense other than to stress me out and hurt my back. Well fast forward to now and most professionals know that sit ups are really indicators of hip flexor endurance! Also, according to Dr. Stuart McGill and his research, they pretty much cause stress and damage to ones back. So what is good, what is important, and does anyone really care how to activate the core?
Here’s a few points to consider.
1.) If you only get one take; away align the rib cage with the pelvis. This forms a structural grid that protects the spine and enhances performance.
2.) Stability rather than a lot of flexion in your core training reaps big benefits.
3.) Farmers walks with both symmetrical and asymmetrical loading is rocket fuel for the core.

4.) Don’t suck your belly in! It weakens the abdominal wall complex. Think of a three walled box how structurally weak it would be compared to 4 walls.
5.) Core activation responds well to time under tension.
6.) Keep your planks all types to 10-30 seconds on and 10-30 seconds off rather than the rather than the insta challenges of 2-5 minutes holds.
7.) If you line up your upper torso to lower torso this is where dreams happen.

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