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Quicktip: Always Re-Evaluate

As a coach and avid student I love subject matter related to bio mechanics, technique, and science. When I start to collect my thoughts for the next Weekly Wisdom, I have realize I have failed to mention that everything is not black and white and personal development is not always linear. What I mean is there are many ways to achieve balance and improvement in life and sport! Where I am going with this is that techniques are fluid and continually developing and maturing. Now fundamentally our articles are sound, but they could already have tweaks and changes that are needed. I am excited to state this and it’s what keeps the yearn to learn going.

What prompted me to write about this is to let you know the strength of a good coach or teacher is to be vulnerable. To be able to recognize there could always be another way lurking around the corner is freedom and enlightenment both for the student and teacher.

Here is a list of SUP Performance topics and ideas I’ve been thinking a lot about lately:

  1. Loading the catch phase of the paddle stroke with connective power takes a counter movement of the pelvis on the opposite side of the where the paddle is inserted into the water. This could be with a slight twist of the pelvis and a lean of the upper torso. When done correctly, the core activation and power production gets more achievable and creates a solid platform.
  2. Getting weight onto the paddle for balance requires the redistribution of the standing load. This is all predicated by feel and the desired outcome.
  3. Be aware of the sneaky bottom hand sliding up too far on the paddle shaft taking away from power and control. There is a time and place for a higher bottom hand, but usually most of us don’t have issues with that.
  4. Video analysis is a game changer and the most efficient and quickest way to improve. There is a reason that the top world cup skiers and coaches review every days training, it works plain and simple. If you’re not using this tool you are wasting valuable development time.
  5. I love 30 second sprints for learning how to get things moving. This can be accessed by any level of paddler. It self teaches the student a ton and once you commit to doing these twice a week for some sessions you will figure out why they are awesome for making you a much better paddler. Its all about getting out of your head and letting things rip!
  6. If you go into a training session dehydrated both mildly or moderately you might as well go home. If you don’t understand why go study or ask your coach to help you.
  7. The hip hinge; too much is counterproductive and subtle is usually way better.
  8. When the hips hinge, the upper body must bend forward to various degrees depending on the desired outcome. This will also eliminate back issue with the proper alignment.
  9. If you’re not working on feet mobility, activation, and alignment you are missing out on one of the most under used modalities for vitality and performance.
  10. Go have fun and ask yourself, “Am I smiling when I paddle or do I look like the Grinch?”.
stand up paddleboard action
Previous article Quick Tip: 7 Core Cues

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